About this Weather Station
The following data on this site come from a Davis Vantage Vue weather station and AirGradient Open Air air quality sensor located near Atlantic Mine, Michigan.
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Wind speed
- Wind direction
- Rainfall
- Barometric pressure
- Air Quality Index (US AQI)
In addition, manual rain and snow measurements are taken manually every day near 07:00 EST5EDT using the CoCoRaHS protocol.
Other values are either calculated or retrieved from other services such as the National Weather Service, AerisWeather, and others.
Weather observations are also posted to the following sites and services.
- KMIATLAN2 on Weather Underground
- KMIATLAN2 on PWSWeather
- KMIATLAN2 on Weathercloud
- MI-HG-21 on CoCoRaHS
Additional station information:
- Station hardware: Vantage Vue
- Server uptime: 489366 seconds
- WeeWX uptime: 489360 seconds
- WeeWX version: 5.1.0
- Belchertown Skin Version: 1.3.1